How to make mental health a global priority for your business?

The theme of World Mental Health Day 2022 highlights the importance of making mental health and wellbeing for all a global priority. This is equally true for workplaces.

For global progress to be made, mental health in the workplace must be a priority for all business leaders. At the same time, we understand that no one business has all the answers.

In our World Mental Health Day event: Making mental health a global priority for business, we were joined by five of our Founding Partners – BHP, Sodexo, HSBC, EssenceMediacom and Unilever – to discuss why this is such an important agenda for business, the crucial role leaders have in promoting, protecting and supporting good mental health, and practical steps on how to begin to prioritise mental health across every territory a business works in.


In this event, you will hear from:


Watch our Making mental health a global priority for business event recording 



You will gain:

  • Insights into the role of leaders in supporting, protecting, and promoting positive action on workplace mental health
  • Practical steps on how leaders can create inclusive cultures that foster good mental health
  • Advice on how to address workplace mental health across different markets and territories
  • Insights into how stigma impacts individuals and workplaces across different territories
  • Tips on how to operationalise the Leadership Pledge and deliver the six pledge areas


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To show your commitment to better workplace mental health, sign the Leadership Pledge below.


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