GBC Digital Toolkit

Our collaboration is based on community: the more we work together, the stronger our impact will be. But we can only achieve global change if we have input and insight from business leaders and wellbeing ambassadors around the world.  

Our vision is for a culturally diverse community, active in every corner of the globe – all working together for better workplace mental health. We can achieve this by working together to grow our global community. 


What actions can I take to grow our global community?


1. Post on social media to encourage business leaders to sign the Leadership Pledge

We need as many organisations as possible to join our mission, which is why encouraging fellow business leaders to sign the Pledge and become part of the community is one of the most impactful actions you can take. Below you can find copy that you can use for posting on Twitter & LinkedIn:   


LinkedIn #1 

Download the social media graphic here

  • A happy workforce is a productive workforce, but how do you create a positive culture around workplace wellbeing?  @The Global Business Collaboration for Better Workplace Mental Health is a global community working together to improve workplace mental health for all. When you sign the Leadership Pledge and join this community you can access resources, good practice and a network of inspirational leaders, all working for a better future. Sign the pledge today to receive a pack to get you started > 

 LinkedIn #2 

  • As a Founding Partner of @The Global Business Collaboration for Mental Health, we invite you to join our mission to improve workplace mental health for all.  Our shared vision can only be made stronger by the experience of our membership. Shared knowledge and experience are vital in advocating for and accelerating positive change in the workplace. Webinars, insightful interviews, practical advice and tips are already being utilised in our mission to advance progress around the globe towards #betterworkplaceMH.  Join our global community by signing the leadership Pledge today > 


Twitter #1 

Download the social media graphic here

  • A happy workforce is a productive workforce, but how do you create a positive culture around workplace wellbeing? Join @GBCmentalhealth to access resources and good practice. Sign the pledge today to join a global community working for a better future > 

Twitter #2 

  • When it comes to workplace mental health, it can be difficult to know how to make a sustainable impact. No one business has all the answers but together we can make a difference. Sign the @GBCmentalhealth Pledge to work towards #betterworkplacemh > 


2. Raise awareness of the global need for organisations to work together to tackle workplace mental health 

Highlight that this is a global crisis, that requires business leaders across the world to work together, sharing insight and learnings on how to improve workplace mental health. We’ve provided draft copy for you to post on Twitter and LinkedIn.

LinkedIn #1 

  • Every year, 12 billion working days are lost to poor mental health, and it’s going to take a united global effort to bring about real change.  By signing @The Global Business Collaboration for Mental Health Leadership Pledge, leaders can choose to become part of a community where knowledge is shared, where we learn from one another, and together, we WILL advance the improvement of #betterworkplaceMH. As a Founding Partner of @The Global Business Collaboration for Mental Health @tag company* is committed to building mentally healthier workplaces that benefit employees, employers and the wider community. I’m/we’re* here to invite you to join our mission and sign the Pledge:

LinkedIn #2 

  • An estimated 13% of the global population – roughly 971 million people – suffer from some kind of mental illness globally. This impacts not just the communities where we live but ALL of our workplaces too. It’s time for action. As a Founding Partner of @The Global Business Collaboration for Mental Health I/we* invite you to help us to lead the change the world needs in workplace mental health. Shared knowledge and experience are vital in advocating for, and accelerating positive change in the workplace.  Sign our Leadership Pledge and find out more about the global community waiting to welcome you: 


Twitter #1 

  • Each year, 12 billion working days are lost to poor mental health, it’s going to take a global effort to bring about real change.  As a Founding Partner of @GBCmentalhealth we invite you to join our community & sign the Pledge for #betterworkplaceMH > 

Twitter #2 

  • An estimated 13% of the global population – roughly 971 million people – suffer from some kind of mental illness. This impacts our communities and ALL of our workplaces too.  It’s time for action. Join us and sign the @GBCmentalhealth Pledge ▶ 


3. Drive traffic to our pledge page by linking to our website in your comms activity 

Driving website traffic is a crucial part of our strategy to grow our global community. If GBC is referenced in any comms activity you’re doing or you’re discussing workplace mental health, include a link to our website to encourage organisations to learn about our Leadership Pledge.  


For any further questions please do contact